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Sven Roeder 4:54 Fri Sep 9
Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
At a game at Birmingham last season 51 Bristol City fans who were having a drink beforehand were rounded up by West Midlands police and taken on a 90 min march to New St station before being forcibly placed on trains to Bristol.
There was no suggestion that they had been involved in any trouble.

Action is on the basis of false imprisonment and a breach of the European Convention of Human Rights and is supported by Bristol City FC & their supporters club.
Good luck to them.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

side effect 10:40 Sat Sep 10
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
Have to agree. Wolves game we lost 2-1. Once we scored the policeman I was talking to couldn't wait to grab this fan and went well over the top.

So I am happy to also agree that the WMP are scummy b s and wish the bc fans the best.

gph 12:09 Sat Sep 10
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
Well done, Jack and Pringle - the fuckers rely on people not standing up for themselves - worth finding out if the Bristol lot think your story can help them?

Pringle 8:59 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
And I'll be forever thankful for Jacks help in turning the nastrds over.
Got arrested outsid Coventry just arriving at the ground , two old bill launched into from behind and said "you're nicked , where's your jacket "? I protested my innocence but they threw me in the cells at the ground.
Went to court 3 times pleaded not guilty , they came up with a pack of lies , said I was being violent , drunk ( who hasn't a few beers at football) and I tried to enter the ground previously , basically a load of bollocks.
As Jack said on the third hearing , the copper gave evidence and my brief tore him to shreds , lack of evidence etc , I had two more witnesses but the magistrate said enough was enough and the case was dismissed.
I came out of the court to Jack and my two witnesses , the copper that gave his so called evidence was there too , I gave a glum face when I came out and the copper had a smug grin, until I said loudly "case dismissed, unlucky twat" .
WMP .... Cunts of the highest order with no regard to any football fan at all I'm my opinion.

, 8:53 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
These fans don't stand a chance and there is no precedence in Law which points to them being successful.

There have been several attempts to take the police to task over deprivation of liberty [ aka kettling ] and each time the ruling has been in the police's favour on the grounds that they had due cause to do what they did to prevent criminal behaviour.

In the case of a couple of individuals they were shopping in Oxford Street and inadvertently got caught up in a police kettling of a number of G20 protestors. These two people were held in the crowd for several hours before they managed to convince the police that they were innocent shoppers. Subsequently they sued the Met for illegal deprivation of liberty and took their case as far as the ECHR where they were knocked back in favour of the police.

JACK1 8:28 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
I am afraid I detest the WMP with a passion they are cunts of the higest order - lots of things stick in my mind but I have a 2 nil record with West Ham after they nicked 2 mates at different times in the last 5 years and sought banning orders against them - making up a pack of lies in the cases - they were for allegly being drunk in the vicinity of a sporting area and wanted banning orders .

On both occasions I gave evidence ( and prepared a case for Pringle on here ) and on both occasions the court found 1 mate note guilty and on Pringles case the court threw it out half way through the case .

I could go on about the WMP but I choose not too - Vermin if the highest order ✊✊✊✊✊✊💦💦💦💦💦💦

Any Old Iron 6:43 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
I hope they take the fuckers to the cleaners. This news on the same day:
A British police force has said it may allow Muslim officers to wear burkas


It would seem that WMP are a bunch of total cunts.

epsom 6:30 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
Mike Oxsaw 5:22 Fri Sep 9

Why would they try and hang Hillsborough around the back of this?

BulphanIron 5:26 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
Mike Oxsaw 5:22 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
Bet the dippers try and hang Hillsborough the back of this, too, for a bit more compo.

Bet they don't...

Marston Hammer 5:26 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
This would be big news if it was anyone other than football fans.

Mike Oxsaw 5:22 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
Bet the dippers try and hang Hillsborough the back of this, too, for a bit more compo.

JustAFatKevinDavies 5:13 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'

penners28 5:10 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
couple of my pals were caught up in this

mashed in maryland 5:02 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
LOL face.

I make him right though.

:^) 5:00 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
Well that didn't take long for this to turn into a dig at our club.

B6NY B 4:57 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
Superb to see the club backing them. Imagine ours doing that?

I remember I DROVE to the 2.2 and they took me to New Street, cunts.

Buster 4:54 Fri Sep 9
Re: Bristol City fans suing West Midlands police for 'false imprisonment'
WMP in being utter cunts shocker.

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